What is Moxi Journey Management?

Meeting and matching with an embryo donor or recipient is the fun part of the process! Though we know that it also comes with a lot of nerves and big feelings, matching usually carries a sense of excitement about the connection and for the possibilities ahead. But after matching, people are often left with the feeling of now what? Where do we start? How do we figure out the details of what comes next and in what order? And if the match is semi-open or the parties don't want to get too involved with each other on the front end, they may worry who is going to help them figure everything out!

That is the confusion Moxi Journey Management (MJM) resolves! MJM is our version of logistical support. We hold your hand through every part of the process and make sure the paths between the donor, recipient, clinic, and ancillary providers are clear and solid. We customize our services based on what you need and how you need it, and we make sure your process moves forward in a timely way.

Whether you've matched with us or on your own, we are here to make the logistics as seamless and streamlined as possible!

We start with a match needs assessment to figure out all the nitty gritty details and connect with clinics, storage facilities, ancillary professionals, egg/sperm donor agencies or banks (if needed), and other key players in an embryo donation journey. We provide information and education about your options and give choices for the ancillary providers you work with. We help you feel confident in the details, such as deciding to ship embryos or travel to the clinic, ensuring legal authorization to donate embryos, or how to divide large batches of embryos.

While we would NEVER tell a fertility patient or former fertility patient to sit back and 'just relax,' we promise that with us at your side, the process will be clear, cohesive, and communicated well. And dare we say, possibly fun!

Our Moxi Matching platform is designed to allow people to have access to explore for a very nominal fee. Because one of our missions is to EM•POWER choice in embryo donation, we don't want to be gatekeepers. We want people to have access to view who is available to match and then we support the connection with a facilitated match meeting. We wanted to keep the initial platform entry cost super low, because we know not everyone will find a match. But once a match has been secured, our MJM kicks into gear! So who is going to help you figure everything out? WE ARE!

And yes, the logistics are extremely important, but so too is the relationship. Especially the early stages of a new relationship between donors and recipients. Our service helps to protect that relationship. Whether you prefer to have a less involved arrangement or want to really take the time to get to know each other, we help manage the relationship dynamics and provide long-term support for everyone!


Embryo Donor Spotlight: S&S


Embryo Donor Spotlight: Claire and John