EM•POWER your embryo donation patients: Making embryo donation more inclusive, accessible, and easier for clinics to facilitate.

We know several things to be true about embryo donation:

Making a disposition decision can be emotionally challenging for patients with remaining embryos, and more education and support is needed. Patients storing remaining embryos identify having a "disposition dilemma" and are often paralyzed by the decision for 5 + years.

Embryo donation has a reputation for being logistically challenging at the clinic level. We hear you, you amazing third-party coordinators trying to manage all the things!

Old models of "anonymous" embryo donation no longer serve the needs of patients and their children, since direct-to-consumer DNA testing has drastically changed the landscape of donor conception. It's time to incorporate the needs of donor-conceived people into the conversation.

We also know embryo donation has become an increasingly popular (and still affordable) option for third-party family building.

Families formed through embryo donation have unique needs, and so do the clinics that serve them. Allowing for directed donation for embryo donation patients is crucial in providing options for patients and following best practices for donor-conceived children, but how?

Meet EM•POWER with Moxi, an organization dedicated to education, support, and matching services for the embryo donation community. Founded by three women whose mission is to change the landscape of embryo donation, empower choice and foster understanding for all stakeholders.

Yes, embryo donation can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Embryo donation patients can be supported in three specific steps:

1. Education and Support

Receiving unbiased and non-directive education is key to learning what it might mean to donate remaining embryos or build a family through embryo donation. The team at EM•POWER has created an education platform that covers all things embryo donation so that patients can explore and gather information at their own pace.

2. Open Matching

Giving patients the ability to connect in a safe and supported way (ie: not through social media), can help ensure that patients are mutually selecting each other and making the best choice they can for themselves and their families. EM•POWER has created Moxi Matching, a first-of-its-kind open matching platform where potential donors and recipients are vetted and supported as they explore potential matches.

3. Journey Management

Navigating the logistics of embryo donation can have a lot of moving parts. Having a team of professionals who know how to move those parts and connect the dots helps make the process smooth for patients and seamless for clinics and storage facilities. EM•POWER's Moxi Journey Management does just that. As embryo donors and an embryo recipient who have been working in the field of reproductive medicine in program development, genetic counseling and mental health counseling for a collective 30+ years, the EM•POWER team understands what it takes for patients and clinics to feel confident in the process.

The journey for patients doesn't end after the embryo transfer. Nor does the long-term family support EM•POWER offers. Supporting these new family forms and the unique experience embryo donation provides to patients is the heart of EM•POWER. But the foundation is helping clinics modernize their embryo donation programs to best serve today’s patients.

Ready to modernize your embryo donation program? Let’s connect and learn how you can be an empowered clinic or professional.


The Embryo Disposition Dilemma: Helping Patients Making Final Decisions for their Remaining Embryos